Fadal Rebuilds
At VMC Technologies, we understand that even after 30+ years, Fadal Machining Centers still play a very large part in today's manufacturing industry. Machine shops, large and small, in Michigan and many surrounding states and Windsor utilize Fadals on a daily basis! Fadals have proven to be durable and have stood the test of time. With our detailed rebuild process, high-speed control upgrade and dedication to quality/accuracy, Our Fadal Rebuilds bring you near-new capabilities.
Unlike the mystery machine at an auction or online, you know EXACTLY what you are getting when you purchase one of our Fadal Rebuilds without paying the price of a new machine. Ask about available inventory, machines in process or get on our machine notification request list today!
Recently Sold

1997 Fadal VMC15


2000 Fadal VMC4020A

1994 Fadal VMC6030